For Your Pleasure

Other Stuff
YMCA Greendale

Located on Shore Drive, Worcester, MA, this is my place of business. Every Sat I close the building, alone. Aside from some cleaners, which at the time of all these haunts, they were not contracted to come in, so I was the only one in the building. Points of interest are The basement, downstairs track, and Multipurpose room.

The Basement:
Story: Supposedly, when the building was being built, a construction worker fell into the foundation and could not be rescued in time, so he was burried with the foundation. No records of such were found. You are supposed to hear screams in the basement, and have feelings of dread and panis randomly. on Rare occasion see things.

My Findings: Something is down there. Time to time when I go down I get the feeling something wants me out of there, other times, I have heard noises that closely resemble screams, however, there are alot of motors etc running. At the end of the basement is a crawl space, which goes about 30 Yards one way, then a 90 Degree corner and 30 yards the other way. It is pitch black, full of pipes, and creepy how it is set aside from the basement. When at the very end, once I heard someone call my name (unfamiliar voice) and swore I heard someone start to crawl in after me, when I was still to confirm the sound, it stopped. I have crawled the entire thing.

FOLLOW UP: I always close this building on Saturdays, and will take anyone down that wants to see the basement. Although once or twice I've felt weird, I dont get much of a bad vibe from the basement and think that the story might be a lie. I will do further research, however, alot of other people report being VERY scared while in the basement. (Part could contribute to the loud machines etc.)

Downstairs Track:
Story: Unknown

My Findings: I have found that sometimes, when I am alone (it has never worked with someone there trying this with me) if i stand near where the speed bag is usually located, and stay silent for about a minute, I will begin to hear someone run around the track (Only when the lights are off and I know the room is empty). There is no light down here and no windows. once the footsteps seem to be coming around the corner so I can see whos running, the footsteps begin on the other side of the track, just out of sight.

FOLLOW UP: I do want to try this again. I get more of a feeling from this area than the basement. This has only worked once, and it was unmistakable, there were footsteps. So I will try to find out more.

Multipurpose Room:
Story: Unknown

My Findings: This is haunted. Usually when I go up there at night, I always feel like something is watching me, and the room is always cold, no matter what, fans off all day, windows shut or open, its always at least 5 - 10 degrees colder. A lot of people have reported this room as haunting and eerie. There was one night when I swear as I was at the other end (there are two doors into the room itself) and I saw a man on the other side of the door, normal looking, motion me to follow him hurridly. I pointed one finger (one second) turned around, turned back around and the man was not there, I went through th door immidiatly thinking it was a prank, and not a single person to be seen. (NOTE: There is no way in the short time it took me between seeing the man and entering the room that he could exit the room undetected, the doors even shut slow, so he could not have gone anywhere. Feelings of being watched are VERY common.

UPDATE: It has occured to me that upstairs is cold because an AC unit directly pumps cold air into the room. However, it is still an eerie feeling room, and you do have a feeling you are being watched. (not only that but I have expirienced myself the haunt.)

Follow up: Defintly. This room is like the downstairs, I feel something coming from it. If anyone wants to visit this place, I work there, just call my Cell phone, or even call the Y SATURDAYS between 2 and 9 and ask for me. You can come down and close with me, I can show you these places!

Even been there, want to visit? Just E-Mail me!